Papers/Reports | July 9, 2000
Targeted Seed Aid and Seed-System Interventions
This document presents the reflections of a working group held in Uganda in 2000. Individuals from 11 institutions came together to compare and contrast practical experiences on supporting farmers’ seed systems, particularly in times of severe stress.
The workshop and report were funded by USAID. CRS contributed one chapter.
- Preface
- Analyzing Farmers' Seed Systems: Some Conceptual Components
- Seed Systems and Their Potential for Innovation: Conceptual Framework for Analysis
- Farmer Seed Systems under Stress
- Guidelines for Assessing the Impact of Disaster on Smallholder Agricultural Systems
- Emergency Seed Aid in Kenya: A Case Study of Lessons Learned
- Emergency Seed Interventions in Somalia: A Reflection on the Current Situation
- Seed Systems of Small Farmers in Honduras: Their Relevance for Interventions
- Decision-Making Processes in Seed-Supply and Seed-Distribution Interventions in Emergency Situations: The Case of Honduras
- Seed-System Interventions in Eastern Africa for Chronically Stressed Siutations
- Linking Emergency Aid with Rehabilitation and Support in Chronic Stress Situations
- Increasing the Resilience of the Farmers' Seed System through Linkage with the Formal Sector
- Annexes
- Annotated Bibliography on Emergency Seed Provisioning Guidelines and Assessments
- Workshop Program
- List of Participants