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Case Studies | July 15, 2022

Strengthening Trauma Awareness and Social Cohesion in Greater Jonglei, South Sudan

A Case Study on the Impact of Social Cohesion Programming

This case study explores CRS’s initiative in Greater Jonglei, South Sudan to integrate trauma awareness and social cohesion within multisector resilience programming. The case study documents the emerging and additive impact that trauma awareness and social cohesion training are making on mainstream resilience activities, participants and staff, and what the results portend for future programming. Only recently have trauma awareness and social cohesion strengthening been viewed as critical to the ability of a distressed population to recover from and cope with shocks and stressors whether human-induced or natural. Similarly, the combination of relief, development and peacebuilding—the triple nexus—is still being tested and has much to prove in the way of accelerating recovery, building resilience and tackling poverty, injustice and violence.