Evaluations/Assessments | February 26, 2018
Strategic Recommendations for Shelter Upgrade in Response to the Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis
CRS and other agencies joined forces to assess and improve shelter assistance to Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.
List of abbreviations
Executive summary
I. Emergency context
II. A Market Technical Advisor seconded to the Shelter and NFI Sector
III. EMMA methodology
IV. The target population
V. Critical market system
VI. Seasonality
VII. Key findings: results of the gaps and market analysis
a. Results of the gap analysis
b. Market analysis results
c. Pre-Rohingya crisis market system
d. How has the Bamboo and timber market changed since the
Rohingya crisis?
VIII. Environmental impact
IX. Main recommendations and conclusions
a. Response logic
b. Response recommendations
Annex 1: Specification of the Upgrade Shelter Kit
Annex 2: Data Set
Annex 3: Response options matrix
Annex 4: Bibliography