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Guidelines | September 10, 2024

Social Cohesion Barometer Guide for MEAL

How to use CRS’ Social Cohesion Barometer for Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning

This guide helps teams understand social cohesion measurement and how to use the CRS Social Cohesion Barometer – a measurement tool consisting of 18 statements assessing perceptions of the state of social cohesion in a given geographic area – for this purpose. It includes a newly updated version of the Barometer statements based on an external validation study conducted by the Institute for Economics and Peace, and provides detailed, step-by-step guidance to apply the SC Barometer as a survey tool for program Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning as well as for research.

For additional guidance on social cohesion measurement, please consult the page for CRS’ Social Cohesion Indicators Bank.

For guidance on how to use the Barometer for workshops and social cohesion strengthening activities (rather than measurement), please consult the page for CRS’ Mini-Social Cohesion Barometer publication.