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Best Practices | December 31, 2020

Promoting Large Cardamom Cultivation in Post-Earthquake Nepal

Results and knowledge gained

A 2015 earthquake in Nepal led to large-scale losses of lives and livelihoods for communities in Gorkha district. CRS responded to the immediate and longterm needs of the communities through integrated shelter, WASH and livelihood relief and recovery activities. Taking cue from global evidence, which shows that households with stronger sources of cash income and savings are able to recover from the impact of disasters quicker than those who don’t, CRS intentionally sought appropriate on-farm livelihood options to sustainably increase income of rural families reliant on agriculture and make them more resilient to future shocks. After conducting detailed assessments in November 2016, CRS identified black or large cardamom (Amomum subulatum) as a suitable high-value crop to increase income of local communities, especially smallholder and women farmers.