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Evaluations/Assessments | February 3, 2016


A Review of Shelter/WASH Delivery Methods in Post-disaster Recovery Interventions

CRS’ Typhoon Haiyan Integrated Shelter/WASH Recovery Program was one of the largest post‑disaster responses to use a cash-transfer modality for shelter and toilet construction. CRS repaired and constructed 20,000 household shelters and 23,000 household toilets as part of CRS’ overall Typhoon Haiyan Recovery program. It supported market‑based solutions in shelter by giving conditional cash transfers to families who were able to rebuild on their own. This publication documents important lessons learned from this program.

Pintakasi (the Waray Waray word for “community action”) is an in‑depth study to assess the efficiency, effectiveness and appropriateness of the modalities chosen by CRS for delivering shelter and WASH assistance in its Typhoon Haiyan Recovery Program. This study aims to contribute valuable lessons learned and share best practices from the program with the shelter and WASH recovery communities of practice in the humanitarian sector.

The relative effectiveness of different modalities depended heavily on contextual factors such as the functioning of markets, availability of trained labor, capacity of the organization, emergency phase versus recovery phase, and availability of secure in‑country money transfer systems.



  • List of Figures

  • List of Photos

  • List of Tables

  • Executive Summary 

  • Introduction

  • Program Design

  • Recommendations

  • Conclusions