Evaluations/Assessments | August 21, 2024
Optimizing the Nutritional Quality of Blended Porridges
One in five children in Haiti have stunted growth (22%), while wasting prevalence reaches 4% and underweight 10% (Institut Haïtien de l’Enfance 2018). Nutrient deficiencies related to poor quality diets and infectious disease persist across all phases of the life course particularly affecting young children and pregnant and lactating women. Blended flours (referred to as “blended porridges” in this report) including locally available nutritious ingredients, offer the opportunity to meet critical gaps in public health nutrition and support economic and natural resource development. Food aid products provided under Title II of The Food for Peace Act can offset the costs of blended porridge production. This research informed pathways within the Ayiti Pi Djanm’s Theory of Change (TOC) related to access to and availability of nutritious foods) and response to nutritional needs of target groups.