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Guidelines | August 14, 2019

Monitoring and Evaluation Shortcuts

Capacity-Building Guidance

This Short Cut provides guidance on the planning, evaluation, documentation, and follow up of the delivery of capacity-building technical assistance. This tool is applicable to all sectors (e.g., agriculture, health, and food aid), all themes (e.g., global solidarity and peacebuilding), and all functions (e.g., monitoring and evaluation and finance). Capacity building can take many forms, from improving an organization’s information technology and equipment, and growing its membership, to increasing its fundraising ability. Most commonly, capacity building means building staff skills through training, workshops, and seminars. It may also include on-the-job training, another powerful capacity-building tool. Capacity-building technical assistance can be provided by advisors from organizational headquarters, regional offices, country programs, local partners, or communities; by partner staff to their peers; and by outside consultants contracted at any level.