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Evaluations/Assessments | May 25, 2023

Maharo Gender Analysis Report

Development and Food Security Project (DFSA) - 2021

MAHARO is a five-year projet (2019-2024) focused on food security funded by the Resiliency Food Security Assistance (RSFA) Program of USAID/FFP. It is implemented by the Consortium: CRS, CDD, Venture 37, Youth First, Humanity - Inclusion, Cornell University, and Harvard University. This gender analysis and report were made possible with financial support from USAID/FFP. The collection period was between November 28 and December 15, 2020. The study was carried out in Beloha and Tsihombe for the Androy region and in Ampanihy West for the Atsimo Andrefana region.

This analysis supports the theory of change and justifies the key points of the Maharo project's gender strategy. It was conducted at the three project intervention districts of Ampanihy, Beloha and Tsihombe. The analysis developed gender profiles for each district focused on identified gaps related to gender which are “role and responsibilities”, “access to and control over resources,” “power relations and decision-making,” “leadership and participation in public life,” and “gender-based violence.”