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Manuals | October 25, 2017

Introduction to Trauma Awareness and Resilience

This training, which was driven by CRS' country program in South Sudan, consists of three parts:

  • The Main Workshop: Introduction to Trauma Awareness and Resilience, intended for groups of adults, and lasting a full day.
  • A Supplemental Leaders’ Workshop: Strengthening Leadership Skills, intended to be more selective in who attends, and lasting an additional half-day. Participants in this workshop should have completed the Main Workshop first.
  • A 2-hour Supplemental “Tree of Life” Team-Building Exercise. This can be conducted separately from the two workshops.

The Main Workshop corresponds to the “binding” aspect of CRS’ three‑part approach to social cohesion and peacebuilding: Binding, Bonding and Bridging. The underlying premise is that you cannot build peace in your family, community or the larger society until you first feel more at peace with yourself. And that peace—that healing—can only come when you recognize and start to cope with the hurt and trauma you have experienced in the past. Given the South Sudan context—where war, violence, ethnic conflict and drought have characterized the region for decades—real healing also depends on the recognition that everyone else in your surroundings has also experienced some hurt and trauma. These workshops are intended to start the process of trauma awareness and resilience.