Manuals | October 7, 2019
Integrating Violence Against Children Prevention and Response into HIV Services
Children are exposed to violence in various settings and circumstances. An estimated one billion children globally are exposed to physical, sexual or emotional violence. There is a direct link between all forms of violence in childhood and increased risks of acquiring HIV in later life.
Related resources:
SUMMARY REPORT of key informant interviews and literature review on how to integrate ECD work into HIV clinical care encounters.
- Module 1: Introduction to Violence Against Children
- Module 2: Guiding principles for responding to VAC
- Module 3: Violence against children and HIV
- Module 4: Communication skills
- Module 5: Identification of VAC in HIV clinical settings
- Module 6: First-line support for VAC
- Module 7: Responding to children who are at risk or who have experienced violence
- Module 8: Referral, linkage, and follow-up for VAC services
- Module 9: Documentation and reporting of VAC services
- Module 10: Support for VAC service providers
Acronyms iii
List of definitions iv
Introduction to Partipant Manual 1
Module 1: Introduction to Violence Against Children 5
Module 2: Guiding principles for responding to VAC 15 Module 3: Violence against children and HIV 19
Module 4: Communication skills 24
Module 5: Identification of VAC in HIV clinical settings 33
Module 6: First-line support for VAC 46
Module 7: Responding to children who are at risk or have experienced violence 55
Module 8: Referral, linkage and follow-up for VAC services 66
Module 9: Documentation and reporting of VAC services 77
Module 10: Support for VAC service providers 85