Case Studies | September 14, 2015
Health Networks and Associations in Low and Middle Income Countries
In 2014, Catholic Relief Services Haiti and the University of Notre Dame Eck Institute for Global Health conducted a study to identify key characteristics related to the success of long-standing health facility networks in low and middle income countries. The information gathered in this study was used to provide a summary of successful practices to support the recently formed Réseau d’Institutions Chrétiennes de Sante d’Haiti (RICSH) or the Haitian Network of Christian Health Institutions in Haiti. As little information has been documented on health facility networks and associations in resource-limited settings, the study included an analysis of various organizations’ management, finances, membership and services in low and middle income countries. The study identified key characteristics shared by successful networks and associations, with the aim that young networks in low and middle income countries, such as the RICSH network, could use this information in their planning and be more sustainable and valuable to their members as a result. RICSH was used as a case study for this study.