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Evaluations/Assessments | September 27, 2016

Healing personal trauma to restore communities

Integrating trauma healing for partner staff into recovery programming

This assessment shares testimonies from CRS and partner staff who participated in a trauma healing program in Central Africa Republic. After our initial emergency response to the violent conflicts in the regions of Bouar and Boda, CRS utilized SILC groups to reach partner field agents from Muslim and Christian communities who have been affected by violence. This supports community members to form self‑selected groups that work together to save and lend to one another to promote greater economic security and self‑sufficiency.

CRS's trauma-healing methodology uses small groups—of all genders, ages and faiths—focusing on the survivors of violence. Religious leaders, members of community protection committees, and local authorities also participate in these groups. Basic trauma‑healing workshops focus on individual sharing and healing while laying the foundation for communities to build capacity to respond to widespread suffering. They also aim at strengthening interconnections that will reduce isolation, a key component of the SECC community‑based protection model. Selected participants are then trained as “healing companions” and, after leading apprentice workshops, continue grassroots trauma‑healing work in their communities.


  • Context

  • Intervention overview

  • Section 1: Personal trauma transformations

  • Section 2: Lving the message of interreligious forgiveness and fellowship

  • Section 3: Active listening in practice

  • Section 4: Mobilizing communities in trauma healing

  • Section 5: Serving as healing companions to promote community unity

  • Conclusion: Next steps to support communities in healing