Manuals | January 1, 2009
Guidance for Implementing Station Days
Station Days is a child-friendly M&E field activity that assists project staff who have historically been involved in projects targeting orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) to appreciate and understand the critical issues affecting beneficiaries’ lives.
This participatory activity targets children aged 10 and above. The data collected through Station Days is used to effectively measure project outputs, outcomes and impacts. Making M&E activities enjoyable for children ensures they will want to participate, which in turn improves the quality of data received. Information gathered at Station Days has proven to be consistent, reliable, comparable and much simpler to collect than data collected from other methods. More importantly though, Station Days are designed to be fun and exciting so that children appreciate and enjoy the activity.
This guide explains the overall Station Days methodology and provides project managers with concrete steps to develop and implement their own version of Station Days appropriate to their country and cultural context.