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Case Studies | March 9, 2017

To Consume or to Sell

A Mixed-Methods Study on Household Utilization of Home Garden Produce in Muhanga and Karongi Districts in Rwanda

The purpose of the study was to learn more about the ways that program beneficiaries use home garden produce to promote household nutrition.  Through focus group discussions and key informant interviews, the study sought to better understand (1) the decision by households to consume or sell home garden produce in ways that contribute, or do not contribute, to reinforcing nutrition pathways, and (2) the purchasing patterns stemming from the income earned from the sale of home garden produce and the extent to which these choices reinforce nutrition pathways.  The study found that, in the context of a three-year integrated nutrition project, home garden produce is primarily consumed at household level, rather than sold.  At the same time, home gardening is a source of income, particularly from the sale of surplus production.