Papers/Reports | September 1, 2016
Conflict Analysis: Central African Republic
This conflict analysis was commissioned by Catholic Relief Services in Central African Republic (CAR), and is based on USAID’s Conflict Assessment Framework (CAF 2.0). The analysis was conducted from March 5 to April 4, 2016, by teams recruited from among CRS’ partners, along with a consultant and CRS staff. The objectives were threefold: 1) analyze conflict dynamics at national and regional/sub-national levels; 2) identify key factors to inform more effective implementation of social cohesion programming; and 3) identify opportunities for strategic interventions in the promotion and integration of justice and peacebuilding, and social cohesion.
This report follows the lines of the CAF 2.0, first with a review of the context, then conflict dynamics (including key issues, actors, grievances, institutional performance, social patterns), followed by trajectories (trends and triggers), conclusions and response options. This analysis identified the following key conflict dynamics: fragmented security and conflict between armed groups; state services failure; competition over resources; agro-pastoral conflict; and refugee and IDP return.