Publications by shannon senefeld
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Orphans and Vulnerable Children Wellbeing Tool
A goal of orphan and vulnerable children (OVC) programs is to improve wellbeing. Yet measuring wellbeing has proven to be an elusive concept for many engaged in OVC programming. The OVC Wellbeing Tool was developed to serve as a fast, easy method of securing data about the overall wellbeing of...More
Integration of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene into HIV Programs
Adequate clean water, improved sanitation infrastructure, and better hygiene may significantly improve health outcomes for people living with HIV in resource-poor settings. However, few programs effectively integrate water, sanitation, and hygiene into home-based care and other HIV services....More
Agriculture and Environment Interventions in Support of HIV and AIDS Programming
CRS country programs frequently confront the challenge of helping individuals, families and communities in rural areas with high HIV prevalence. Many persons in rural areas of developing countries who are infected with, and affected by, HIV and AIDS depend on agriculture as a significant...More
Home-Based Care Assessment
Providing support to home-based care programming has evolved into a significant aspect of CRS' response to the HIV epidemic worldwide. Twenty-six home-based care programs participated in an assessment of how they identify clients, what indicators are used and what monitoring challenges exist....More
Nutrition and Food Security for People Living with HIV and AIDS
Applies the Integral Human Development (IHD) framework to nutrition and food security for people living with HIV and AIDS. In addition, several programming options and best practices with nutrition and food security for this target group are highlighted. The best practices and recommendations...More
Palliative Care Nutritional Supplementation Targeted Evaluation
CRS Zambia evaluated the impact of nutritional supplements on HIV-positive home based care clients not taking ARVs that met the criteria for targeted nutritional supplementation. The study was carried out from April to October 2005. The results show that the nutritional supplements had a...More
Bridges of Hope Socioeconomic Reintegration Project
Maryknoll started the Bridges of Hope project in 2004 to help people living with HIV, who had been marginalized due to their illness, to reintegrate into society after regaining their health with antiretroviral therapy. Bridges provides group and family counseling, basic...More