Publications by opportunity international
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Seed and Post-Harvest Technology Provider Financial Bottlenecks
This report was compiled to highlight the key bottlenecks that are limiting access to financial services for seed sector actors in Malawi, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. This assessment identifies common demand-side challenges that are preventing seed sector actors from accessing and utilizing...More
Financial Service Provider Inventory Scan for Niger
For this report, a high-level assessment was conducted on potential regulated financial service provider partners for the S34D activity in Niger. For security reasons, the focus was on providers with operations based in Niamey, Niger’s capital. Hence, excluded from the analysis are organizations...More
The Financing Potential of the Seed Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa
This report provides an East Africa regional overview as well as country-level assessments for Malawi, Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania (the ‘corridor’) of the supply-side financing gaps and opportunities within the agricultural financial services sector, specifically for the purpose of expanding...More
Opportunities and Constraints in Regulated Finance
This paper draws from Opportunity International’s experience in agriculture and refugee financing in two settlements in Uganda from 2019. It discusses the Ugandan refugee context, the response from the Ugandan government and NGOs, and the shift away from food in-kind towards a market development...More