Publications by michael wilcox
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Transforming Last Mile Seed Delivery
The ABC-CIAT and National Agricultural Research Systems partners have developed high iron and zinc bean varieties through biofortification to combat both hidden hunger and malnutrition. This second season report continued to determine if...More
The Niche Market Product Deployment Model for High-Iron Beans
The ABC-CIAT and PABRA in partnership with KALRO, Cereal Growers Association, CRS, Bubayi Products Ltd and its agrodealer network and 17 county governments in Kenya, developed a niche market product deployment model with the objective of...More
Transforming Last Mile Seed Delivery
This report focuses on a pilot in Western Kenya focusing on the niche market business model with the objective of ensuring efficient and effective last mile delivery of the niche variety to farmers by linking Bubayi Products Ltd. and agrodealers to motorbike riders commonly known as boda boda.More
DiNER Fairs and Voucher Programming
This study evaluates how the DiNER Fair approach improves participating households’ food and nutrition security as well as strengthen access to seed and other agricultural inputs at the last mile in Madagascar, Malawi, and Zimbabwe It followed a mixed methods approach combining multiple...More