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Case Studies | June 13, 2017

From Assessment to Graduation: Comprehensive Case Management for Vulnerable Children and Households

The SCORE Project In Uganda

The overall objective of this case study is to highlight and help promote good practice related to case management within orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) programming. The case study illustrates the core components of a case management system, the positive results of a case management system, and some of the challenges in developing, implementing, and solidifying a case management system within an OVC program. The information presented should be understood as just one example of a case management system in practice. Any case management system should be adapted to best reflect the context where it is utilized, the target population it serves, and the programmatic needs of the implementer. The case study is one in a series of case studies highlighting different aspects of a case management system utilized by OVC programs and national child protection systems. The purpose of the case studies is to provide useful information that can inform the work of policy makers and practitioners who aim to effectively support vulnerable children and families.

  • Objectives of Study
  • Country overview
    • Poverty and child vulnerability in Uganda
    • The social service system in Uganda
    • The SCORE project
  • SCORE Family Case Management and Graduation Model
    • Identification
    • Assessment
    • Enrollment
    • Creation of a Household Development Plan
    • Implementation of the case plan
    • Monitoring and follow-up
    • Graduation
    • Coordination with other case management systems
    • Data collection, storage and use
  • Conclusion: Case Management and the Human Perspective