Case Studies | September 11, 2017
Approaches of the Yekokeb Berhan Program for Highly Vulnerable Children in Ethiopia
Between April and September 2016, 4Children documented work by OVC programs in three countries; these included Pact’s Yekokeb Berhan program in Ethiopia, the World Education Inc./Bantwana Expanded IMPACT Program in Zimbabwe and COGRI’s Lea Toto program and FHI360- led APHIAplus program in Kenya. At all sites the documentation included a comprehensive desk review (project, countryspecific and global reference documents), meetings with the USAID OVC technical officer, site visits and key informant interviews or focus group discussions with program staff, various community workers, health sector staff, caregivers and children. Program staff reviewed the draft case studies and provided further input and clarifications.
- Acknowledgements
- Acronyms
- Introduction
- Purpose
- Methodology
- The Setting
- Country background
- Health and Social Welfare services context
- Ethiopia’s HIV epidemic and response
- Barriers to HIV testing for children
- Case Study
- Introduction to the program
- Program results
- Bringing children to HIV services
- Strategy #1: Utilize comprehensive HVC care as a doorway to HIV testing and services
- Strategy #2: Harness the power of HVC workforce to increase demand for HIV testing and services
- Strategy #3: Strengthen the health system to reach vulnerable households
- Conclusion
- Promising practices
- Challenges and gaps identified
- Annex 1: Conceptual Framework for HIV Case Detection and Linkage to Treatment and Care
- Annex 2: Yekokeb Berhan Referral Form