Coordinating Comprehensive Care for Children, or 4Children, is a USAID-funded project improving the health and well-being of vulnerable children affected by HIV and AIDS and other adversities. 4Children draws on global evidence that illustrates that HIV and other hardships are best prevented and addressed when people have access to both high-quality health and social welfare services. 4Children helps countries identify practical and appropriate policies, programs and services that reduce the risk of HIV and maltreatment, and promote children’s well-being. Its approach addresses the unique needs of each child and family, including strengthening the frontline social service workforce and case management systems.
Official name of project: Coordinating Comprehensive Care for Children (4Children)
Project years: 2014–2021
Location: Global
Value of the project: $72 million
Donors and consortium partners: Funded by USAID, CRS leads the project with consortium partners: IntraHealth International, Maestral International, Pact, Plan International USA and Westat
Scope of activities: 18 core activities will improve guidance and standards for programs helping vulnerable children; best practices will be applied through work in 13 countries
Tens of millions of children have lost one or both parents to AIDS-related illnesses and other adversities. Additionally, 36.7 million people are living with HIV, and millions more children face the effects of HIV on their family. While progress has been made in reducing death from AIDS, children still need protection and strong social systems to prevent the transmission of HIV and to mitigate the effects of HIV in their lives.
4Children and its partners improve the quality of life of these children by building the technical and organizational capacity—at all levels and relevant sectors—of government and civil society. The project strengthens essential components of countries’ social service system, and improves connections between health and other sectors. As a result, government and civil society actors can better perform their functions and scale-up their work with proven outcomes for communities, families and children.
Strengthening Social Service Systems
At its core, 4Children builds the capacity of systems supporting vulnerable children. It develops and supports strong collaboration across all sectors to promote cohesive, strong national and subnational social service systems. By defining a shared vision, we ensure our assistance is demand-driven, context-specific and results-oriented. 4Children also engages children, families and communities to provide input throughout the project, so that programs respond to needs. The project addresses a wide spectrum of technical and organizational areas—such as strengthening case management and referral mechanisms—to enable governments and civil society organizations to better provide for and protect children.
Providing Comprehensive Services
4Children’s holistic approach assures integrated, comprehensive services. It develops technical guidance on areas like mental health, early childhood development and preventing and responding to violence against children. It draws on a country’s existing services to offer guidance and apply quality case management practices, ensuring children and their families can access all they need to be healthy, safe, stable and educated.
Building the Evidence
4Children builds the evidence base for effective care and protection interventions through rigorous operations research and evaluations of past and current interventions. Research is ongoing in areas such as parenting interventions, social protection, and case management, 4Children uses evidence to document what works. This is then used to inform national policies for vulnerable children, and influence the design of future interventions.
Sharing What Works
4Children is uniquely positioned to build evidence on what works, to apply our learnings directly to our program, and to help develop guidelines and policies for organizations and governments working with children. The project informs next-generation programming by managing platforms like ovcsupport.org, and by collaborating with global networks like the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance and the Better Care Network.
Click on the highlighted areas of the map below to explore where 4Children works, what we do and more.
Important Acronyms
- AGYW = Adolescent girls and young women
- HES = Household Economic Strengthening
- ALHIV = Adolescents living with HIV
- SWSS = Social Welfare System Strengthening
- ECD = Early Childhood Development
- After help leaves: post-graduation outcomes in PEPFARsupported OVC projects in Nigeria
- New study reveals nearly one third of HIV clients travel outside of their Local Government Area (LGA) for health care in Nigeria
- After Help Leaves: Graduation approaches and post-graduation outcomes among households in Kenya’s northern arid lands
- Summary of Key Findings from the 4CHILDREN Case Management Case Studies
- From the Ground Up: Developing a National Case Management System for Highly Vulnerable Children
- Building a User-Friendly and Government-Owned Case Management System for Highly Vulnerable Children
- Case Management for Children Orphaned or Made Vulnerable by HIV
- Pathways for Exiting Programs for Children Orphaned or Made Vulnerable by HIV
- From Assessment to Graduation: Comprehensive Case Management for Vulnerable Children and Households
- Good Practices in Standard Operating Procedures for Case Management
- Case conferencing: An innovative approach to addressing complex needs of vulnerable children
- Standard Operating Procedures for Case Management
- Integrating Violence Against Children Prevention and Responce into HIV Services: Participants Manual
- Integrating Violence Against Children Prevention and Responce into HIV Services: Facilitator Manual
- Case Study: Integrated Child Protection and Care and Treatment Programming
- Case Study: The Role of Para-Social Workers in Creating Community-Led Approaches to Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse
- Integrating Violence Against Children Prevention and Response Interventions Within PEPFAR HIV Pediatric Testing, Care, and Treatment
- Training Course for Auxiliary Social Workers on HIV-Sensitive Child Protection
- Framework for Strengthening Integration of Mental Health in Programs for Children Orphaned or Made Vulnerable by HIV
- Integrating Early Childhood Development Interventions into HIV Clinical Care Encounters
- Resource Compendium for Integration of Early Childhood Development into Programs
- Building trust and mutual respect: strengthening families through the Rethabile “happy together” parenting program
- Approaches of the Lea Toto and APHIAplus Nuru Ya Bonde Programs in Kenya
- Approaches of the Expanded Impact Program in Zimbabwe
- Summary of Key Approaches on Improving HIV Testing and Services for Children Orphaned or Made Vulnerable by HIV (OVC)
- Approaches of the Yekokeb Berhan Program for Highly Vulnerable Children in Ethiopia
- Using a Systems Approach at the Community Level in a Human Resource Constrained Context: The YouthPower Action Project in Mozambique
- Referral Mechanisms for Children Orphaned or Made Vulnerable by HIV (OVC)
- Working in Partnership to Improve Children’s Safety and Well-Being: The May’khethele Programme in South Africa
- Strengthening referral pathways for children and adolescents affected by sexual violence
Success Stories
Teen Finds Tailor-made Solution for Independence
The Multiplication Effect: Girls’ Support Session Leads to Serving a Neighbor
Wheelchair Opens Prospects of Mobility, Education and Inclusion
An Invitation and an Opportunity Lead to a Better Future
Taste of Success Inspires Teen’s ‘New Life’
Standing Against Child Abuse in Lesotho
Holistic Care Covers Health, Family and Finances
Promoting Child Protection Through Stronger Parenting Communication
Improving Physical & Financial Health Through Positive Parenting Classes in DRC
Harmony=Health: Using Positive Parenting Classes to Grow Emotional & Financial Health
To learn more, contact the 4Children team at: [email protected].