About Health System Strengthening
Many resource-poor areas lack the systems to deliver health interventions reliably, consistently, at reasonable cost, and at a scale that is required to serve those most in need. In partnership with the Catholic Church, civil society organizations, government institutions and community networks, CRS implements health systems strengthening programs in developing countries. We strive to strengthen equitable and comprehensive health systems and increase access to key services in the most rural, remote and marginalized communities. CRS capitalizes on relationships with faith-based health networks and facilities, which provide up to half of all health care in some countries – even more in remote areas where government services may not reach.
Our health system strengthening programming in developing countries provides technical assistance to this vast network of partners. In our holistic approach, we build capacity to plan, deliver, monitor and advocate for quality health services to the most remote and vulnerable populations. We build infrastructure and equip it with appropriate technologies. We train staff at the health facility and in the community to work together to address social determinants of health. We also help strengthen partnerships between community health structures and public, private and faith-based providers to ensure seamless integration of all providers into sustainable national systems.
Networks: CRS helps our partner health facilities to strengthen networks so that they can work together, using data and their collective voices to influence policy and investments for expanded health service provision. We also support civil society networks to engage with health systems and help them operate more effectively.
Community-centered and well integrated: Good health begins in the community. We help strengthen partnerships between community health structures and public, private and faith-based providers to ensure seamless integration of all providers into sustainable national systems.
Faith-based relationship support: In many countries, faith-based health networks provide as much as half of all health care – even more in very rural areas where the government may not reach. A key part of CRS’ work centers on helping faith-based health institutions to build more influential and sustainable relationships with government, and helping governments work more efficiently and effectively with faith-based service providers.
Research & Publications
Case Studies
AIDSRelief Nigeria
Strengthening Local Health Networks for Sustainable HIV Care and Treatment
From 2004 to 2012, AIDSRelief Nigeria provided HIV care and treatment to more than 100,000 people through a network of 34 health facilities. During that time, nearly every program activity emphasized strengthening health systems. This new case study outlines AIDSRelief’s contributions to strengthening health systems for More
Case Studies
Health Networks and Associations in Low and Middle Income Countries
Key Factors for Sustainability
This case study is designed for practitioners as they plan health programs in young networks. The study identified key characteristics shared by successful health networks and associations, which can be used to build sustainable and valuable to networks. More