Media CenterUSCCB Says Dangerous Conditions Causing More Families to Send Children to U.S.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Migration released a report last week about growing numbers of unaccompanied children sent to the U.S. to escape dangerous conditions in their own country. From Catholic News Service, posted on Catholic Courier:
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Dangerous conditions in their homelands are leading tens of thousands more families in Central America and Mexico to send their children by themselves to cross the U.S. border illegally, according to a report by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Migration. Citing data from two U.S. federal agencies, the report estimates that, based on the dramatic increase in unaccompanied minors apprehended at the border over the past 10 years, as many as 60,000 children traveling without relatives could enter the country this fiscal year. The report, released Jan. 30, was drawn from the observations and data gathered during a trip to Mexico and Central America in November by a delegation representing various Catholic agencies that work with immigrants and immigration-related issues. It delves into the reasons why families send their children away, the dangers the travelers face and how they are treated if they come to the attention of various countries' government agencies along the way.
The report makes several recommendations, including:
El Salvador should expand programs such as one operated by Catholic Relief Services to help children who are at risk develop skills and training to be safe and have employment options.