CRS Calls On Obama Administration to Protect Children Fleeing Central America
CRS denounces decision to round up and deport Central Americans.
CRS denounces decision to round up and deport Central Americans.
CRS' Joan Rosenhauer recently returned from Central America where she asked families a simple question: Why are so many unaccompanied children leaving home to cross into the United States?
EWTN News Nightly spoke with CRS' Joan Rosenhauer, who just returned from Central America, about the factors causing unaccompanied children to cross the U.S. border.
CBS Evening News went to El Salvador to see how violence is driving so many unaccompanied minors to seek refuge in other countries, and also visits a CRS program that's helping some youth to stay.
CRS emphasizes the need to protect children and provide opportunity and security in their home countries.
Catholic News Service spoke with Catholic leaders, including CRS' Rick Jones, about their take on the current situation of unaccompanied minors crossing into the U.S. and other countries.
CRS Latin America expert Rick Jones testified before a Senate committee on the recent surge in unaccompanied children crossing into other Latin American countries and the U.S.