Congressional Testimony
During Congressional Hearing, CRS Highlights Importance of Local Leadership on Humanitarian and Development Outcomes
CRS urged lawmakers to shift funding directly to local orgs.
During Congressional Hearing on Farm Bill, CRS Warns of Rising Global Hunger, Pushes for More Flexibility
CRS testified about impacts of war in Ukraine on global hunger, need for flexibility in Farm Bill
David Cronin
Dave advocates for U.S. foreign policies that improve the lives of the poor and vulnerable overseas.
CRS Expert to Congress: Cutting U.S. Foreign Aid to Central America is Counterproductive
Administration’s cuts to foreign aid for Central America will exacerbate human suffering.
Catholic Relief Services to Congress: "Protect U.S. Foreign Aid"
Vice President for Mission, Mobilization and Advocacy testifies before House subcommittee
CRS Calls on Congress to Act to Curb Violence and Suffering in South Sudan
CRS offers specific suggestions for addressing the violence and suffering.
U.S. Should Help Restore Peace in Central African Republic, CRS Tells Congress
In live testimony before a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee, CRS' Scott Campbell urged lawmakers to help restore peace in the Central African Republic.