Policy Brief Details Isolated Cases of Slave Labor on Coffee Farms in Brazil
Report on slave labor in the coffee industry released.
Report on slave labor in the coffee industry released.
CRS calls for the full support of the Green Climate Fund.
CRS is conscious of the ongoing efforts to fight the effects of climate change.
Written testimony submitted to Senate subcommittee lists areas for robust funding.
Senate bill S.1252 will now need to move to the full Senate for a vote.
Three leading experts on soil regeneration and climate-smart agriculture will discuss a major cause of food insecurity in the developing world–the worldwide degradation of soil needed for agriculture–at a public briefing for congressional staff on March 3rd.
CRS and other organizations applaud new law that will help ensure children everywhere are registered at birth and have a chance at a successful future.
The House Foreign Affairs and Senate Foreign Relations Committees each passed nearly identical versions of the Girls Count Act today, setting the stage for floor votes.
Catholic Relief Services welcomed introduction of the Girls Count Act in the House of Representatives today. The legislation aims to ensure that more children, and especially girls, around the world get birth certificates.