Catholic Relief Services to Congress: "Protect U.S. Foreign Aid"
Vice President for Mission, Mobilization and Advocacy testifies before House subcommittee
Vice President for Mission, Mobilization and Advocacy testifies before House subcommittee
Cuts will have life-and-death consequences for the poorest people in the world.
CRS signs on to two statements of support for the bill.
CRS is disappointed the U.S. voted against the Compact.
CRS echoes USCCB’s stance on new refugee admittance limit.
Second Leadership Summit connects youth with legislators on urgent international issues.
House and Senate appropriators approved their respective Fiscal Year 2019 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs (SFOPS) bills. This follows their work on Agriculture appropriations bills, which they completed earlier in the month. Across these spending packages, Congress rejected the Administration’s proposal to cut foreign aid by more than one-third.
CRS joins more than two dozen U.S.-based organizations praising the bill.
Foreign aid is needed as the world's poor face an increasing number of challenges.
Leaders call on countries to ensure safe and legal pathways for migrants and refugees.