Media CenterOil Price Plunge Affecting Displaced in Iraq as Winter Bears Down
The worldwide plunge in oil prices is reducing support for the millions of displaced in Iraq whose needs are only growing.
Since January 2014, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), in conjunction with its partner Caritas Iraq, has reached more than 101,000 displaced Iraqis through a range of humanitarian support, crucial as their country’s economy spirals downward.

Displaced children in northern Iraq attend Child Support Centers run by Catholic Relief Services in partnership with Caritas Iraq. Photo by Kim Pozniak/CRS.
With Caritas Iraq, CRS is providing support in Iraqi Kurdistan and in Kirkuk governorate.
The displaced there have fled the expansion of ISIS in Central Iraq. Despite recent military gains by the Kurdish and Iraqi forces fighting ISIS, very few have returned to their homes.
CRS support, which has grown exponentially over the last year, includes:
- Cash assistance
- Food assistance
- Winter kits (kerosene, blankets)
- Shelter upgrades
- Water, sanitation and hygiene support
- Nonformal education and psychosocial support for vulnerable children
- Cash-for-work