Media CenterNews We're Reading Now (Week of Nov 7, 2016)
Here are the top news stories and trends our media team is following for the week of November 7, 2016.
Five Crucial Things to Watch for at the Marrakech Climate Summit
By Emily Gertz on Take Part
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) works with farmers all around the world, and they consistently tell us why climate change matters. This article does a nice job summarizing five things to watch for related to climate change at the world summit in Marrakech. To learn how CRS works to mitigate the effects of climate change, contact Tom Price.
How Employees at The World's Largest Companies Are Assisting Entrepreneurs Across Africa
By Willy Foote on Forbes
This story from Forbes contributor Willy Foote describes how business, marketing and technical professionals from large U.S. companies are helping entrepreneurs in Africa. CRS believes in being a catalyst for enterprise as the way to raise the economic tide, bringing sustained health and a better future to poor communities. Through a newly-established Impact Investment Fund and a USAID-funded program called Farmer-to-Farmer, CRS is helping East African farmers and entrepreneurs to climb the ladder by providing them with volunteers experienced in all aspects of agriculture – from soil to seed to table to market. To learn more about CRS’ Farmer-to-Farmer program, contact Susan Walters.
800,000 Guatemala Youths Neither Work Nor Study
By Agencia EFE
With 800,000 young people unemployed in Guatemala, alarms are being sounded by nonprofit organizations about the risk this population can become to society and to themselves as their unemployment becomes permanent. According to the UN, youth in Guatemala are victims of poverty, social exclusion and violence. They struggle to find opportunities to move forward with education, develop professionally and look for space in the workplace. CRS provides youth in rural settings an opporutnity to learn a trade, go back to school and get the life skills necessary for Guatemala’s economy. The program is in El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Guatemala. Journalists can speak to Beatriz Afanador about youth unemployment in Central America.