Media CenterDr. Jill Biden visited CRS programming in Malawi

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Dr. Jill Biden is visiting Ethiopia, Malawi, and Niger in Africa this week to address the different needs of communities, from economic empowerment to educational opportunities for girls to food security. In part of her three-country visit, Dr. Biden visited Catholic Relief Services' Food for Peace programming in Malawi. Malawi had been hit hard by the effects of El Nino which caused severe drought in the region. Thanks to the funding from USAID, Catholic Relief Services is able to help the people of Malawi overcome hunger with programs focusing on wellness and agriculture. From the White House press release:

"On Tuesday, Dr. Biden will travel to Manchinjiri to visit a United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Food for Peace program being implemented by Catholic Relief Services, where she will meet with local families, community leaders, government officials and representatives from Catholic Relief Services and Save the Children to learn more about how the Food for Peace program is helping to address the challenges posed by the severe drought in Malawi caused by El Nino. The Food for Peace program provides critical food assistance to members of the community in exchange for their work on community watershed management projects that help build resilience to the negative effects of the ongoing drought."

Read the full release from the White House.



CRS Staff
July 19, 2016

Catholic Relief Services staff and supporters deliver emergency relief and development services in more than 100 countries in close partnership with local organizations and governments. Learn more about what CRS does to ensure long-term impact and sustainable transformation on a global scale.More