Diocesan Director Toolkit
As part of our commitment to our CRS Diocesan Directors, we provide the following teaching tools and resources in our Diocesan Director Toolkit. We frequently add new tools, so please check back regularly.
Selecting the options below will provide you with useful tools and resources to assist with your role as a CRS Diocesan Director.
- CRS Diocesan Director Ministry Guidelines
- Mapping Tool to Help You
- How To Organize an Online Fundraiser For CRS
- CRS Diocesan Director Ministry Guidelines
- CRS Chapters & Clubs: ) Learn more about our CRS Chapters. You can access a one page overview of our CRS Chapters here
- CRS Campaigns: Learn more about our current campaigns
- Diocesan Inventory—CRS Planning
- Organizing a Diocesan CRS Team
- Guidelines for Facilitating Meetings
- How to Organize a Legislative Network
Other Important Links:

The Annual USCCB Catholic Social Ministry Gathering (CSMG) is an opportunity to join others from around the country in social action. Typically, CRS organizes a pre-event breakfast and Diocesan Director meeting ahead of the opening of CSMG on Saturday. If you are planning to attend the CRS Pre-Event at the gathering, please plan to arrive early that morning, or perhaps the day before to join us. Our teams share updates on the work of CRS around the world, the impact you can make by engaging in local efforts through CRS’ Campaigns, and how those who wish to go deeper, can promote the establishment of CRS Chapters in your respective dioceses and/or joining an existing CRS Chapter or Community of Solidarity. The CRS Pre-Event always provides an opportunity for the exchange and sharing of ideas.
During CSMG, visit the CRS exhibit, attend community Workshops lead by our colleagues, engage in advocacy and policy trainings, attend policy workshops, and perhaps lead their state group’s visit to Congress. We look forward to seeing you during these activities planned for CRS partners, diocesan directors, chapter members, and all other participants.
Natural disasters, political crises and humanitarian emergencies often occur when we least expect and without advanced warning. During past emergencies, the U.S. Catholic Church has been most generous in their response to aid those in need. CRS Diocesan Directors are called upon to answer questions from parishes, Bishops, and the media. The following are steps you can take when responding to an emergency.
- Look for information to come to you through your e-mail. When a disaster occurs, CRS will provide you with the most up-to-date information about the crisis itself, current CRS activities in the affected area and ways your community can respond.
- Call your CRS staff contact to see if CRS has programs in the area of the emergency and, if so, inform the Bishop and diocesan leaders about CRS’ response.
- Encourage your Bishop to write letters to all parishes inviting them to pray for victims of the crisis and for those who will risk their lives to assist them.
- Coordinate national collections with your bishop.
- Work with your Communications and Chancery offices to ensure information on the emergency and CRS’ response is getting to parishes.
- Work with secular and diocesan papers to ensure CRS’ name and address are included in their list of agencies responding to a particular crisis and to develop articles on CRS’ response.
- Contact CRS for speaking engagements in your community to speak at parish or diocesan functions and/or be a source of information for news media.
- Report back to the diocese on monies raised and CRS’ response.
We recognize each diocese works differently and encourage you to contact Church Engagement at [email protected] if you have a special need or specific questions relating to emergency response. If your diocese is looking to respond with In-Kind (material) donations, please note that not all material donations can be accepted by Catholic Relief Services, so, therefore, it is important to contact CRS Church Engagement before collecting donated items.
- Parish Guide for Peace in the Holy Land
- Inspire your faith community to advocate for a just solution to the conflict in the Holy Land with these learning activities and prayers. They’re designed for Catholics of all ages.
- Examination of Conscience Based on Catholic Social Teaching
- Sample Icebreaker Activities
- How a Bill Becomes Law
- Tips for Writing Effective Letters to Your Members of Congress
- Parish Twinning & the Global Church