
Celebrated by the Church every 25 years, a Jubilee year is a Holy year of grace and mercy.

What is COP28 and Why Does It Matter?
Three Things You Need to Know About the United Nations Climate Change Summit.

'I Was Advocating for Real People in Real Places of Need'
Read an interview with CRS Global Fellow Father Grady about his experience on Capitol Hill.

World Food Day: 7 Ways to Be a Good Steward of the Harvest
Observe World Food Day this October 16 with prayer, delicious simple meals and more.

Urge Congress to respond globally to support vulnerable families amidst COVID-19

Lead the way in this pivotal moment
Urge Congress to support those most vulnerable in the U.S. and around the world in addressing COVID-19.

7 Things You May Not Know About Human Trafficking, And 3 Ways To Help the facts about human trafficking: how it is caused, where it happens, and how you can help stop human trafficking by supporting CRS.

5 Reasons We Need Foreign Aid
These 5 examples show how United States foreign aid is good because it saves lives. Poverty-focused international assistance is only 1% of our nation’s budget, but it works to .