Archive of Carolyn Woo’s Monthly Column for Catholic News Service
Dr. Carolyn Y. Woo, president & CEO of Catholic Relief Services, writes “Our Global Family,” a monthly column for Catholic News Service which is available to the Catholic media. Following are her previous posts.
- December: 'God, the Giver of All Gifts'
- November: 'Rethinking Thanksgiving After the Year of Mercy'
- October: 'Stark Statistics and Hopeful Responses'
- September: 'Who Do We Play For?'
- August: 'I Have Met Hope...In Person'
- July: 'Investments That Work for the Poor'
- June: 'Relearning the ABC's at Graduation'
- May: 'Reflections of a Mom'
- April: 'Get Personal'
- March: 'Rise with Christ in a Broken World'
- February: 'Ashes: An Urgent Call for Our Souls'
- January: 'Let Us Encounter our Muslim Neighbors'
- December: 'Mercy: From a Heart of Stone to a Heart of Flesh'
- November: 'Companions for the Journey'
- October: ‘The Word 'They' Can Be Dangerous‘
- September: ‘Feminine Genius: A Lesson from Mary‘
- August: 'Aspirations Re-examined‘
- July: 'Ecological Conversion‘
- June: ‘God Will Cover for You on Your Next Vacation‘
- May: ‘Come, Holy Spirit‘
- April: ‘O Happy Fault!‘
- March: “More’ for Women in the Church‘
- February: ‘In the Care of Strangers‘
- January: ‘The Daily New Year’s Resolution‘
- December: ‘Christmas Presence‘
- November: ‘God’s Abundance‘
- October: ‘Grace in a Hyper-Competitive Culture‘
- September: ‘Teaching Children the Tenets of Our Faith‘
- August: ‘Who’s Children Are They?‘
- July: ‘American Hospitality‘
- June: ‘Finding the Will to Address Global Warming‘
- May: ‘Using Our God-Given Gifts‘
- April: ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers‘
- March: ‘Lent Prepares us for Easter‘
- February: ‘Marriage: A Divine Pact‘
- January: ‘Solutions to World Hunger Are Within Our Reach‘
- December: ‘The Day After Christmas‘
- November: ‘Count Blessings‘
- October: ‘God in the Real World‘
- September: ‘From Just One Woman…of Faith‘
- August: ‘Our Bodies Matter‘
- July: ‘Caring for Refugees’
- June: ‘Paying Tribute to Fathers’
- May: ‘May is the Month of Marian Memories‘
- April: ‘Easter Reminds Us of God’s Love in Our Darkest Moments‘
- March: ‘Even Suffering Can Yield Beauty When We Look for Christ’s Promise‘
- February: ‘Helping Others Carry Their Cross Helps Us, Too‘
- January: ‘Balance Is Not a Clock Issue‘
- December: ‘Season’s Message Found in the Simplicity of a Chapel‘
- November: ‘Eradicating Child Marriage — It Really Does Take a Village‘
- October: ‘A Dream Built on 25 Cents a Day and Resilience‘
- September: ‘Brutality Does Not Have the Last Word‘