Justice & Peacebuilding

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About Governance


CRS supports civil society, private sector and Church efforts to increase citizen demand for good governance and to strengthen the capacity of governments to respond. We address the root causes of exclusion and inequity, calling upon citizens and decision-makers to assume their rights and responsibilities and to practice accountability and integrity. 



  • Institutions/peace and justice commissions: Social justice is a central concern of CRS’ peacebuilding mission. Peacebuilding has to create constructive ways to confront injustice and respect the human dignity of everyone involved when focusing on justice issues that might escalate the conflict. We have a long history of working with the Catholic Church and other institutions in numerous countries through local Peace and Justice Commissions. These commissions provide one type of institutional base for activities that promote both peace and justice.

  • Advocacy and civic engagement: We appeal to citizens’ interests to engage in civic initiatives that benefit both them and their communities while increasing government capacity to supply services, resolve disputes and create an enabling environment for greater civic participation. 

  • Extractives and natural resource governance: CRS has worked with people affected by extractive industries to help ensure they are heard by those in power. We work to make sure the resource industry benefits them more and harms them less. CRS was among the first international development NGOs to take a public stance on issues related to extractive industries and equity. With its partners, CRS has waged local, national and international advocacy campaigns, empowering those most affected by extractive industries to engage with governments and to insist that extractive industries operate responsibly and to benefit the common good. 

  • Youth development: Peacebuilding is a long-term project. It is often said that it will take as long to get out of violent conflicts as it did to get into them.  CRS has a commitment to peaceful work and tries to engage youth in looking at issues and solutions. CRS believes young people can hold the key in making sure past mistakes are not repeated while working toward sustainable solutions.